The D.I.D.I

The Digitally Integrated Daily Instructor (D.I.D.I) is our custom built intra-net hosting device with a built in AI Tutor that gives students access to hundreds of 'online' resources tailored to their respective curriculum without the need for any internet connectivity.

(Named after 'Didi' Ding Mayen Kuai, Founder of LetAllGirls, after her passing)
  • Intra-net?

    An intra-net is a private computer network that allows us to upload resources remotely. It can be accessed by local devices (like a wifi) without the need for internet! This makes accessing hundreds of books, webpages, articles, textbooks, etc. easy and affordable (practically free).

  • AI Tutor?

    When using any resource from the D.I.D.I, students have access to an AI that is trained solely on those very resources found within the Device. That means we can tailor every device (and its AI tutor) to cater to its specific location's needs.

  • Resources?

    Education is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Different regions have unique needs, which require tailored resources and strategies. With the D.I.D.I. device, we can provide digital educational resources relevant to each location. For example, in South Sudan, we partner closely with the Ministry of Education to ensure our resources align with the national curriculum, delivering accurate and relevant content to support local students.

  • Control?

    Often times, education can get messy. Students have different learning curves in different subjects, and it can lead to students falling behind. The D.I.D.I AI will keep track of its conversations with students, and faculty can monitor how each student is performing, as well as their most frequently asked questions. Moreover, the device is loaded with a pre-determined set of resources allowing for control over information quality.